Second Sunday of Easter
A Biblical Theology of The Body // Romans 12:1-2
The biblical story is not one of redemption from the body, but rather the redemption of the body.
Second Sunday of Easter
A Biblical Theology of The Body // Romans 12:1-2
The biblical story is not one of redemption from the body, but rather the redemption of the body.
Easter Sunday
Easter: The Ultimate Spoiler // Matthew 28:1-10
The Easter ending changes the meaning of the whole story.
Good Friday
The Seven Words of Christ from the Cross
A self-guided retreat with images, scriptures, reflection prompts, and prayers.
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Wilderness (Part 7): Numbers 24:1-11 // Unexpected Blessing
God speaks in unexpected places and transforms curses into blessings.
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Wilderness (Part 6): Numbers 21:4-9 // Unexpected Healing
Our God transforms signs of judgement and death into means of redemption and life.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Wilderness (Part 5): Numbers 13-14 // Looking Back Again
During this crisis we should not merely wait for things to get 'back to normal,' but rather wonder together about what new thing will emerge from it. Rather than looking back, let us press ahead as the people of God!
Third Sunday in Lent
Wilderness (Part 4): Numbers 11 // Looking Back
The gospel reverses the pattern of sin and restores the pattern of grace.