Formed in the Image (Part 16): Alive in Baptism & Communion // 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonMay 12, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 15): Alive with Good News // 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonApril 28, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 14): Alive with Redemption // Romans 8:16-21 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonApril 21, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 13): Alive with Hope // Luke 24:13-35 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonApril 14, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 12): Alive with Christ // Ephesians 2:1-7 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonApril 7, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 11): Dying in Baptism & Communion // Mark 10:32-45 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonMarch 17, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 10): Dying for Each Other // John 13:1-17 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonMarch 10, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 9): Dying to Self // Mark 10:17-22 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonMarch 3, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 8): Dying to Sin // Matthew 5:17-48 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonFebruary 25, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 7): Dying with Christ // Mark 8:27-9:1 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonFebruary 18, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 6): Present in Baptism & Communion // Mark 1:9-11 & 14:22-26 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonFebruary 11, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 5): Present with Each Other // Matthew 9 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonFebruary 4, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 4): Present in the Body // 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonJanuary 28, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 3): Present in the World // John 1:1-18 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonJanuary 21, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 2): The Shape of Jesus // Philippians 2:6-11 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonJanuary 14, 2024Comment
Formed in the Image (Part 1): The Image of God // Genesis 1:26-31 Formed in the ImageDrew DixonJanuary 7, 2024Comment
Come Lord Jesus, Lamb of God (Part 4) // Revelation 19-22 Come Lord JesusDrew DixonDecember 24, 2023Comment