Story Groups
How can we love one another if we don't know one another? And how can we know one another if we have not listened to one another?
Story Groups emerged out of a church-wide conversation as we discerned where we are going in this next season. They are a way to know one another and grow as deep listeners together. Through the Story Group process, we take time to listen to one another's stories, our own story, and God in the midst of it all.
Listen to others share about Story Group
Here are answers to a few practical questions:
Groups include a mix of men and women of various ages. You will be able to sign up for a group with others. We encourage you to consider a group with people you may not know as well in order to grow in new relationships. Each group will have a designated coordinator to introduce the listening process and organize group meetings.
It is not necessary for spouses or family members to be in the same group. Some may prefer to be in a group together, but others may find it helpful to be in separate groups. Each couple or family is invited to discern what is best for them when signing up.
Story groups are intentionally small to allow for depth and trust with no more than six people per group.
Each group will determine their meeting times and locations. Many groups have found that meeting every-other-week was regular enough to stay connected but not too busy or burdensome. Groups may choose to meet in one another’s homes or at the church building. Each group can determine what is best for its members. You are not expected to host, but certainly welcome to.
Group meetings tend to last about two hours, depending on whether or not the group decides to share in a full meal.
Each group will set a time commitment (3-6 months) after which there will be an opportunity to transition out, shuffle to a different group, or start a new one yourself. Group members are asked to commit to and prioritize their participation in group meetings during the set time.
Sign-ups are available at the church building this month!