Worship at Home (5/10/20)
Welcome to this week’s Worship at Home experience. Below is a video playlist that will lead you through our time of worship, which includes songs, a sermon, guided communion, and ways to participate in the life of the church.
Under the video are sections for Prayer, where you can submit a prayer; Offering, where you can give online; and Resources with ways to stay connected to God and each other throughout the week.
Welcome. Let us worship our Lord together!
Order of Worship
Welcome & Lord’s Prayer
Song: Glorify The Lord With Me
Sermon: Senses (Part 4): Scent // Mark 14:3-9
Song: There’s Something About That Name
Communion & Prayer
Song: Fragrance
Life of the Church Update
Song: Let Your Glory Fall
Use the form below to submit your prayers. You can submit anonymously or include your name and email if you would like a response. It is an honor to join you in praying. Click “Amen” to submit.
Below is a song to continue meditating on the theme of scent.