Worship at Home (8/9/20)
Welcome to this week’s Worship at Home experience. Below is a video playlist that will lead you through our time of worship, which includes songs, a sermon, communion, responsive prayer, and ways to participate in the life of the church.
Under the video are sections for Prayer, where you can respond to the prayer prompt; Offering, where you can give online; and Resources with ways to stay engaged throughout the week.
Welcome. Let us worship our Lord together!
Order of Worship
Welcome & Lord’s Prayer
Song: 10,000 Reasons
Sermon: Psalm 13
Song: Deep Calls to Deep
Communion & Prayer
Song: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Life of the Church Update
Song: Blessed Jesus
Use the box below to write your response to the prayer prompt then click “Amen” to submit your prayer. Your prayer response is anonymous. Here is this week’s prompt: