Challenge, Change, and the Church // Mark 13
When we face difficult and uncertain times, Jesus calls us to keep awake and watch for him.
Psalm 16
There is nothing good apart from God in whose presence is the fullness of joy.
Psalm 15
A psalm about worship leads us to forgiveness and transformation.
Psalm 14
The Way of the Fool, The Word of the Gospel, and the Will of God
Psalm 13
You are not abandoned in your suffering.
Psalm 12
Speak the truth in love for the sake of the needy.
Psalm 11
Do not flee to the mountains, but take refuge in God.
Psalms 9-10
The Lord has the power and the wisdom to make things right for all people.
Psalm 8
God has crowned humanity with glory and honor.
Psalm 7
A cry for justice to a God who will make everything right.
Prayer (Part 4): Praying Without Ceasing // 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
Praying without ceasing is like getting a song stuck in your head and it affects our actions, our attitudes, and our accessibility.
Prayer (Part 3): Praying For and With // 1 Timothy 2:1-6
Our call to pray leads us on the gospel-shaped journey from praying for to praying with.
Prayer (Part 2): Learning to Pray // Acts 4:23-31
We learn to pray the same way we learn to talk—by listening to the words of others and making them our own.
Prayer (Part 1): Rooted in Relationship // Ephesians 3:14-19
Prayer is rooted in relationship with God as Father, others as family, and it roots us in love.
Pentecost Sunday
The Work of the Spirit // Romans 8
The Holy Spirit grants us life, groans with us in pain, and grows us in love.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Senses (Part 5): Sight // Luke 19:1-10
An exploration of spiritual growth from trying to see Jesus to being seen by Jesus to seeing others because of Jesus.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Senses (Part 4): Sound // Matthew 3-9 & 27-28
We are called to listen to the God who speaks and speak to the God who listens.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Senses (Part 3): Scent // Mark 14:3-9
Scent draws us into memories of people and places and teaches us about worship and identity.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Senses (Part 2): Taste // Luke 7:31-35
Through his miracles and ministry, Jesus shows us how to savor the word of God, the presence of community, and the taste of true life.
Third Sunday of Easter
Senses (Part 1): Touch // Mark 1:40-45
The good news of the kingdom is not only something to hear or see, but also to touch and be touched by.